
Thursday, 15 January 2015

35 Before 35

Have always wanted to come up with one of those "30 before 30" lists but since the first on my list can't even be realistically fulfilled before I'm 30 years old (*sigh*), I'll have little choice but to improvise!

Building on the goals that I had set 2 years ago, these are the 35 things I want to achieve before I'm 35!

My 35 before 35

1) Visit Disney World in Orlando Florida!
2) Visit any Disneyland! (1st visit to Tokyo Disneyland in 2016)
3) Visit Japan (visited Hokkaido in Nov 2012)
4) Visit Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul (visited in April 2013)
5) Visit C3 church in Sydney (visited in May 2014)
6) Visit USA at least once
7) Visit Austria and the alps
8) Visit Norway/Finland/Sweden
9) Skydiving in New Zealand
10) Visit Tokyo (visited in Dec 2015)
11) Visit Osaka
12) Visit Melbourne (visited in May 2015)
13) Visit Tasmania
14) Visit any Universal Studios with Harry Potter
15) Visit my daddy in Shanghai

16) Give birth to Baby #2 (Baby Boy was born in Dec 2013)
17) Breastfeed my boy for at least 12 months (breastfed Baby Boy for 13.5 months)
18) Buy our own house
19) Renovate and decorate our house my way!

20) Successfully toilet-train my girl
21) Successfully toilet-train my boy
22) Enroll my girl in a primary school within walking distance from our house

23) Enroll my boy in a preschool within walking distance from our house

24) Attend an international conference (Attended the ICCAP in London)
25) Publish my first paper in a recognized journal
26) Attain membership in Singapore Psychological Society
27) Go back to lecturing in a tertiary institution
28) Apply for PhD

29) Lose 20kg of my post-partum weight
30) Reach my pre-pregnancy weight!
31) Learn oil painting
32) Paint 5 paintings for friends and family
33) Complete a scrapbook for Baby Boy
34) Complete a big painting for our new house
35) Learn something new that I've never done before

I still can't believe that as a hardcore Disney fan, I've visited Universal Studios three times but have never visited Disneyland even once! But oh I'm going to! This year is THE year! *cross fingers*

What is on your bucket list of must-do things?

Linking Up With:

Mum's the Word

And no.. I'm not 40. Not for another decade *laughs*