
Thursday, 9 April 2015

Free Play at Cool De Sac

Not many people know this but Cool de Sac is actually owned by my church. To bless the children attending Children's Church every weekend, free entry tickets to Cool de Sac are given out when we register our kids at the counter (subject to availability). I managed to get my hands on the last pair one lucky weekend and decided to finally bring my kids there to check it out.

Clockwise from top left: Cool de Sac;
Diaper changing room (no nursing room);
Shoe racks, lockers and stroller parking area.

Both kids were excited to explore the place! Now that Baby Boy is older, he slowly realising the awesomeness that are indoor playgrounds.

Across the bridge and down the stairs
Walking about at the Lego corner
My girl playing happily with the Lego
Tall slides that were big enough for adults
(This I know from personal experience *laughs*)
Looking apprehensive because it is really high up
With much pursuasion, she finally gave it a try, and refused to stop after that!

There's also a toddler area for the for the younger ones.

Enjoyed himself tremendously playing with the blocks and balls!
Laughed like crazy going down this slide
(One thing that my kids inherited from me is my love of laughing. Really loudly and hilariously *laughs*)
Both playing with Lego side by side

A staff was doing body painting for kids so girl got in line. And guess what all the girls asked for?

Body painting in process
Patiently waiting for the painting to be completed

Ah huh, Elsa.

With Elsa on her arm
(Poor staff got so bored of painting the same thing)

There's a big space for parties too and I know it's big because Pigeon invited us to their event that was held here last year and I loved the party space.

I'm definitely going to try to ask for more tickets the next time we are at Children's Church! Thanks very much for taking such good care of our kids =)


This post is part of my MadPsychMum Fun in Singapore Guide to all things exciting for kids! 
Check out other fun playgrounds and attractions in Singapore! =)

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