
Friday 7 October 2016

Day Out at the National Gallery Singapore

Ever since its opening last year, I've been meaning to bring my kids to check out the new National Gallery Singapore, which was previously the Supreme Court.

National Gallery Singapore

We headed for the Keppel Centre for Art Education on the first floor as it's the place just for kids. Entry is free =)

We started with the Art Corridor, an interactive art wall for kids to learn about colours and shapes.

My boy loves the Art Corridor and would have stayed there all day if not for my insistence (and curiosity) to explore the rest of the gallery.

We went to the Art Playscape next, and it was exactly like walking into a storybook (the artist wanted you to feel like you walked into art). Really cool and the kids had a blast running around here =)

Art Playscape
Going up the structure, with the staff watching keenly
Left: The stairs going down the "treehouse";
Right: Posing with a real-life cartoon tree.
Like a pop-up cartoon card. Very cool!
Crawling under the tree for a peek
(Only kids, it's peril for adults. You might break your back *laughs*)
Kids with the mum-in-law
Picture of me with the kids. Must take more pictures of me with the kids before they grow too big for me!

We spent about close to an hour here before heading to another attraction close by called Who's in the Woods. It's an interactive display where kids can colour an animal of their choice and it will be displayed on a screen. Both my kids loved it!

Who's in the Woods
The large screen projecting a jungle and the animals walking up and down
The screens for the kids to choose the animal and colour it. It was so easy that my boy could do it too =)
My girl designing her deer very seriously
My girl's finished product!
My girl with her finished deer projected on the screen =)

The kids wanted to do a few more but I didn't allow them because we wanted to allow other kids a chance to play as well.

We proceeded to the "adult" section of the gallery, which requires entry fee if you are not a Singaporean or PR (if you are, it's free).

Internal design of the building has been preserved for memory

There was a photo booth for visitors to take pictures with their biggest painting (the actual painting is below). It's in line with the gallery's move to make their displays more interactive.

Inside the "painting", photo taken by the security staff
With the actual painting in the gallery.
One of the biggest paintings I've ever seen so far in Singapore.
Preservation of the interior design of the old supreme court
A bridge that connected the two buildings
Girl looking at some old photograph

As we explored the rest of the gallery on Levels 3-5, the staff kept giving us questioning looks and asking us if we knew that there was a kids museum at Level 1. I think they were afraid that my kids will destroy the art installations. Feeling a bit unwelcomed, we decided to head back to the "kids" part of the gallery where we were more welcomed (besides, it was more fun).

We stopped by Project Gallery where the kids could do some colouring. Unfortunately, they couldn't work on the special activity sets as they were not available. It was too bad =(

Display of the special activity kits that the kids could have done if they were available
Kids doing colouring instead
Even my boy joined in, although he's still learning how to do it well
Colouring to the best of her ability

Eventually my boy got bored and we had to move to the Children's Museum located next door. It was fun as the kids can have as much fun as they liked playing with shapes and colour.

Clockwise from left: Sticking magnetic shapes to create unique art pieces on the wall;
A place to colour or write postcards to send to your friends;
The small room with various activities and things to do for the kids.
Playing with colourful magnetic panels on a lighted table
The kids had a blast making their structures and using their creativity
Girl and her competed structure!

We actually liked these magnetic plastic pieces and went to hunt for them to buy for our home. The mum-in-law found the original, which was too expensive so she bought the cheaper replica of the real thing. It's not as sturdy but the kids still love it =)

Do consider bringing your kids to the National Gallery Singapore for a day of fun. It's free so why not =)


This post is part of my MadPsychMum Fun in Singapore Guide to all things exciting for kids! 
Check out other fun playgrounds and attractions in Singapore! =)

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