I've known my BFFs for 16 years now! When we first met, all of us were still in school. We journeyed together from glasses-wearing students to married women (well except for one, hence our group nickname #yaexceptone 😆) to becoming mothers.
Even though 3 of us become mothers, we have always wanted to travel together. However, due to scheduling difficulties and us having babies at different times (bringing a nursing baby overseas is another level of coordination), our travel plans never materialised.
At the end, we settled on staycation instead but even then, it was such a logistical challenge that we had only done it twice! Both were in Sentosa, hence this post 😄
Do note that both staycations were pre-covid; I missed out blogging about Siloso Beach Resort cos I was very pregnant and probably had pregnancy brain 😅 Your experience post-covid may differ.
[One 15 Marina]
Our first staycation together was in 2015 at One 15 Marina. We decided to coordinate our outfits (yellow) as we wanted to have a mini photoshoot at the hotel room to celebrate the graduation of half our group.
We booked a standard room with bathtub and a baby cot.
We also decorated the headboard for our mini photoshoot, which turned out really beautifully!
Another highlight of the staycation was the pool, where we had a lot of fun lounging.
Do read my previous post for more details 😊
[Siloso Beach Resort]
It took us another 4 years before we went for another staycation, and only because I wanted one before I gave birth. We finally decided on Jan 2019, when I was 8 months pregnant with the Littlest Girl.
As you can see, our brood doubled and we managed to bring all the kids except one, who stayed home with his daddy.
We took the cable car into Sentosa because we were Faber License Members; our rides were free while the rest got tickets at a discounted rate.
Another highlight was of course the large outdoor pool with a slide!
I had to include this picture of me with my baby bump as it was the only one we took of my bump. I was really pregnant (and not bloated)!
After swimming, we took a group photo for the kids before heading out to the nearby McDonald's for dinner.
It was pretty challenging trying to feed this brood so we don't have any blog-worthy photos of dinner 😅
The Mummy with the newborn perpetually stucked to her in a baby carrier decided that she would not join us overnight as none of us would enjoy having a crying baby wake all of us up every 2 hours 😅 Although we agreed, it was with great sadness that we had to say goodbye to her and her 2 little ones.
We took the cable car into Sentosa because we were Faber License Members; our rides were free while the rest got tickets at a discounted rate.
Siloso Beach Resort was located at Imbiah Walk and walking distance to Siloso Beach (hence its name).
We booked connecting standard rooms so that we can be together and the kids had adequate space to run about.
The highlights of the room was the beautiful view of the beach and the good-sized bathtub.
Another highlight was of course the large outdoor pool with a slide!
I had to include this picture of me with my baby bump as it was the only one we took of my bump. I was really pregnant (and not bloated)!
After swimming, we took a group photo for the kids before heading out to the nearby McDonald's for dinner.
It was pretty challenging trying to feed this brood so we don't have any blog-worthy photos of dinner 😅
The Mummy with the newborn perpetually stucked to her in a baby carrier decided that she would not join us overnight as none of us would enjoy having a crying baby wake all of us up every 2 hours 😅 Although we agreed, it was with great sadness that we had to say goodbye to her and her 2 little ones.
The rest of us spent the rest of the night talking nonsense, watching TV and taking photos.
The kids really enjoyed their little 'sleep over' and spent most of the next day saying how much they enjoyed the staycation and wished for another one.
Hopefully we can go for another one soon! 🤞🏻
Click each staycation destination below to read about our staycation experience:
This post is part of my Family Staycations collection in my Fun in Singapore Guide!
Click each staycation destination below to read about our staycation experience:

You can also stay up-to-date with our staycation experiences on Instagram via the hashtag #mpmstaycations